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Wwise Audio

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Wwise is the most advanced, feature-rich interactive audio solution for games. Whether you're an indie or a multi-million dollar production, Wwise will work for you. The Wwise audio solution has made its mark in the gaming industry and is now facilitating the advancement of interactive audio across multiple sectors.

  1. Wwise Audio Lab
  2. Wise Audio Jefferson City
  3. Wwise Audio Extractor
  4. Wwise Download

Leverage creative control with fast concept prototyping. Wwise integrates into your production pipeline and empowers your audio team by allowing them to focus on being creative without limitations or dependencies.

  • Fixed an issue where the Resonance Audio Renderer and Resonance Audio Room Effects plugins would produce artifacts in the output when there are multiple plugin instances. For each plugin, only the most recently activated plugin instance will produce output, while previously-created plugin instances are disabled.
  • (See the Wwise Flanger Properties below.). Flanging is an audio effect that occurs when two identical signals are mixed together, but with one signal time-delayed by a small and gradually changing amount.

Author, simulate, integrate, mix and profile using one sound engine. Wwise offers a comprehensive interactive audio pipeline.

Ship your projects on time by reducing technical risks. Wwise is a proven industry standard, and provides the most reliable support services.

Work in synergy even when your colleagues are distributed around the world. No matter the size or proximity of your team, Wwise makes it easy to maintain your collaboration harmony.


Audiokinetic Wwise LTX Lumberyard includes Audiokinetic Wwise LTX, which is an exclusive, free version of the Audiokinetic Wwise audio middleware. Sound designers and composers can use Wwise LTX to work independently from the engineering team and author rich soundscapes for your games. Studios using Wwise Key features in Wwise Can handle complex audio behaviors such as fades and containers like random, sequence, blend, and switch. Game 'syncs' allow the designer to update state settings, switch values, and adjust real-time game parameters.

Engaged and cooperative, the Wwise community is one of the largest in our growing interactive audio industry. The Audiokinetic Creators Directory empowers its members by connecting audio experts and developers on an international platform.

From detailed free coursework and robust documentation to sample projects and a growing network of partner schools, Wwise provides myriad ways to get started or polish your skills.

Wwise Spatial Audio is a family of built-in spatial audio features complemented by in-house and 3rd party plug-ins that seamlessly integrate with the Wwise production workflow. Wwise Spatial Audio specializes in sound propagation, virtual acoustics, and spatially informed audio rendering. As a continuing research field at Audiokinetic, many new spatial audio features, plug-ins, and partnerships can be expected in the coming years.

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Deploy everywhere. Mobile, desktop, console and AR/VR.

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Audiokinetic has developed a series of premium plug-ins that target the specific needs of interactive sound design and enhance the Wwise experience. Please visit our plug-ins section to learn more about Audiokinetic's premium plug-ins and free integrated plug-ins, as well as other plug-ins developed by our partners, or community.

The Mastering Suite is a cross-platform effect plug-in composed of four modules: a 6-band parametric equalizer, a 4-band compressor, a per-channel gain modifier and a state-of-the-art limiter. Each module can be enabled independently and authored to address specific target platform characteristics such as varying dynamic range, speaker device limited frequency range, and available runtime resources. Built-in ShareSets cover common scenarios such as TV Speakers, Soundbars and Headphones. The Mastering Suite is developed via a collaboration between Audiokinetic and Sony Interactive Entertainment.
This plug-in is free but will require a license to be added to your project. Please click on 'Get it for free' to request a license.

Wwise Convolution lets you create convincing reverberation based on samples of real acoustic spaces, from the smallest room to the largest cathedral. You can use the impulse responses provided by Audiokinetic and AudioEase. Or import your own in any channel configuration, including ambisonics.

Wwise Motion lets you use the Wwise Authoring Tool to control not only the sound, but the haptic feedback of your control interface.

Wwise Reflect is a geometry-informed plug-in that dynamically renders early reflections based on the proximity of the listener/emitter to reflective surfaces, such as walls, ceilings, and floors. Wwise Reflect not only enhances immersion and the sense of space, but also brings out variety and naturalness from limited audio assets by blending them with a dynamic environment. Wwise Reflect offers full customization, catering to the artistic needs of sound designers and today's interactive media narrative and storytelling demands.

SoundSeed Air belongs to the SoundSeed family of specialized sound generators. Crafted with interactive audio in mind, this plug-in helps saving a tremendous amount of CPU and Memory compared to sample-based approach while generating variations. SoundSeed Air synthesizes an infinite variety of wind and whoosh effects using virtually no runtime memory and CPU.

SoundSeed Grain belongs to the SoundSeed family of specialized sound generators. A granular synthesizer which can be added to a Wwise project as a source Plug-In, SoundSeed Grain allows you to granulate and transform audio files with extreme flexibility, through granular synthesis and derivatives such as cloud, pulsar, concatenative and wavetable synthesis. SoundSeed Grain can be used to create particle effects, 3D ambiances and room tones, textured soundscapes, as well as time domain time-stretching and pitch-shifting, and is also a great sound design tool for making drones, UI and sci-fi sounds and music. It also features a plethora of sleek UI features that enhance the user experience.

SoundSeed Impact belongs to the SoundSeed family of specialized sound generators. Crafted with interactive audio in mind, this plug-in helps saving a tremendous amount of CPU and Memory compared to sample-based approach while generating variations. SoundSeed Impact allows for the creation of physically impossible and unique sounds via cross-synthesis.

More plug-ins

Wwise features an open API and integrates easily into in-house game engines and the world's top commercial game engines. Please visit our integrations section to learn more about integrations developed and maintained by Audiokinetic, as well as third-party distributed, or community managed integrations.

The new Wwise Authoring API allows the comprehensive integration of Wwise into any engine, tool, or application. It is usable from any Internet-capable language, operating system, or environment.

The Wwise Unity Integration is a Unity plug-in that allows the use of the Wwise Sound Engine in Unity games. Standard bidding at bridge with sayc pdf to excel. The Integration consists of a Unity plug-in library, the Wwise SDK API bindings in C#, a few other helpful components and Editor windows.

The Wwise Unreal Integration is an Unreal Engine plug-in that enables you to use the Wwise Sound Engine in Unreal games. It leverages Unreal Engine Objects and Blueprints to expose Wwise features, is fully integrated with Unreal Engine's Level Sequencer, and provides occlusion support. Learn more

Wwise audio extractor
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Create an account to manage everything related to your projects including licenses, learning materials, and more.


Download the Wwise Launcher to install the latest version of Wwise.



Access learning material for free, and get certified to enrich your career.

(See the Wwise Flanger Properties below.)

Flanging is an audio effect that occurs when two identical signals are mixed together, but with one signal time-delayed by a small and gradually changing amount. This produces a swept comb filter effect: peaks and notches are produced in the resultant frequency spectrum, related to each other in a linear harmonic series. Varying the time delay with an LFO oscillator causes these to sweep up and down the frequency spectrum.

Wwise Audio Lab

The Wwise flanger algorithm is based on a 'unified comb filter' that allows for controlling the depth of notches and peaks as well as their relative location (for example, on odd or even harmonics). This allows the comb filter to provide a wide variety of spectrum shaping by directly modifying the 'feedforward' and 'feedback' coefficients.

The following figures exemplify the type of magnitude response that can be achieved using a fixed delay time of 0.5 ms. The feedforward coefficient controls the depth of notches in the spectrum, while the feedback coefficient controls the magnitude of peaks.

The sign of the coefficient can control whether the notches or peaks occur on odd harmonics (for positive coefficients) or even harmonics (for negative coefficients) as shown below.

The feedfoward and feedback components can be used together to build different spectral shapes for combining the effect of notches and peak as shown below.

Wise Audio Jefferson City

Wwise tutorial

The delay time effectively controls the spacing between notches and/or peaks. By doubling the delay time, the distance between notches is halved as shown in the example below.

With the additional flexibility provided by the 'Blend' parameter which allows to mix the input to the delay line (including the feedback path) with the feedforward path of the delay line, effects other than flanging may be achieved.

One example of this is the vibrato effect (a regular pulsating change of pitch). Vibrato can be characterized by the amount of pitch variation and speed with which the pitch is varied. By setting both the feedback and blend values to 0, only the (modulated) feedforward path is preserved (vibrato component).

The Wwise Flanger plug-in contains a series of properties, many of which can be edited in real-time and can be mapped to specific Game Parameters using RTPCs.

Interface Element



Determines whether the element is included or excluded. When selected, the element is included. When unselected, the element is not included. By default, this applies across all platforms. Use the Link indicator (to the left of the check box) to determine or to set platform-specific customizations.

When this option is unselected, the property and behavior options in the Property Editor become unavailable.

Default value: true


The name of the Effect instance.

Aragami: nightfall download for mac windows 10. Effect instances are a group of effect property settings. They can be one of two types: custom instances or ShareSets. Custom instances can be used by only one object, whereas ShareSets can be shared across several objects.


The type of effect.

Shared by (Used by)

A list of objects that currently subscribe to the selected ShareSet.

This field is called 'Used by' when editing a custom instance of the Effect.

Opens a search field where standard alphanumeric entries filter out unmatching elements from the view. Learn more in Using Tables.

Click the Close icon to the left of the search icon to close the search field and remove the filter.


The searches do not include elements in collapsed nodes of the List View, Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor, and Reference View.

Returns the Effect property settings to their default values.

This option is only available when editing a custom instance of the Effect.


Additional information about the Effect.


The delay parameter used by the comb filter. Small delay values result in few spectral notches/peaks. Large delay values result in smaller spacing between frequency notches/peaks.

Default value: 5
Range: 0.2 to 100
Units: ms

Color Settings


Scaling factor for signal not entering the modulated delay line (sum of feedback and dry signal). Can be used to create a large range of effect from flanging to vibrato.

Default value: 1.0
Range: 0 to 1


Scaling factor for the contribution of the feedforward path out of the modulated comb filter. Large (absolute) values of this parameter results in stronger notches in the spectrum. Negative values places notches at even harmonic locations instead.

Default value: 1
Range: -1 to 1


Scaling factor for the contribution of the feedback path out of the modulated comb filter. Large (absolute) values of this parameter result in stronger peaks in the spectrum. Negative values place peaks at even harmonic locations instead.

Default value: 0
Range: -1 to 1
Units: Linear gain

Output Settings

Wet/Dry Mix

Controls the balance between the wet path (the output of the Effect) and the dry path (the input of the Effect). A value of 0 yields the original signal unaffected by the Effect while the a value of 100 outputs only the output of the Effect.

Default value: 100
Range: 0 to 100
Units: %

Output Gain

The amount of gain applied to the output signal after the dynamic compression that makes up for potential gain losses.

Default value: 0
Range: -24 to 24
Units: dB

Process Center

Determines whether the Effect is processing the center channel or not. When unselected, the center channel is unaffected by the Effect.

Default value: false

Process LFE

Determines whether the Effect is processing the LFE channel or not. When unselected, the LFE channel is unaffected by the Effect.

Default value: false

LFO Section

LFO Depth

Amount of amplitude modulation that controls the actual delay length, in percentage. At 0%, the delay length used by the comb filter is always as specified by the delay parameter. At 100%, the delay length is modulated to its full range.

Default value: 50
Range: 0 to 100
Units: %

LFO Frequency

Frequency of the modulating signal.

Default value: 1
Range: 0.02 to 20000
Units: Hz

LFO Waveform

Shape of the modulating signal.

Values: Sine, Square, Triangle, Upward sawtooth, Downward sawtooth.


Although this parameter can be changed at run-time using RTPCs, the signal is not guaranteed to be continuous.

Default value: Sine

LFO Smoothing

Amount of smoothing applied to the modulating signal. It is low-pass filtered by a certain value, mapped from 0 to 100%. At 0%, the signal comes out intact. With higher values, edges and discontinuities are smoothed.


This setting has no effect on the sine waveform.

Default value: 0
Range: 0 to 100
Units: %

PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)

Applies to the square waveform only. Address generator list. Modulates the width of the pulse during one cycle. At 50%, the signal is at its full amplitude for half of the cycle, and is 0 for the other half. Near 100%, the signal is at its full amplitude for almost all the cycle, while it drops to 0 for a very short amount of time.

Default value: 50
Range: 0 to 100
Units: %

Initial Phase Section

LFO Phase Offset

Offsets phase of the modulating signal of all channels by a specific value.


Although this parameter can be changed at run-time via RTPC, it has no effect when it is set after the instance of this effect has started playing.

Default value: 0
Range: -180 to 180
Units: °

LFO Spread Mode

Defines how initial phase spread (see parameter 'Spread') is applied across channels. For example, with the spread mode set to 'Front-Rear', all front channels start playing with a phase equal to 0, and all rear channels start playing with a phase equal to 'Spread'. If present (and processed), the LFE channel is always synchronized with the Front Left channel.


  • Left-Right: Front and rear left channels start with an offset of 0, front and rear right channels start with an offset of 'Spread'. If present, the center channel starts with an offset of 'Spread'/2.
  • Front-Rear: Front and center channels start with an offset of 0, and rear channels start with an offset of 'Spread'.
  • Circular: This mode applies a spreading dipole between the left and right channels on 1.x, 2.x and 3.x configurations, and between the front left and rear right channel on 4.x and 5.x configurations. For example, a 3.0 signal would start with the following phases: L=0, C='Spread'/2, R='Spread'. A 5.0 signal would start with the following phases: FL=0, C='Spread'/4, FR='Spread'/2, RL='Spread'/2, RR='Spread'.
  • Random: Each channel starts with a random phase uniformly distributed between 0 and 'Spread'.

Although this parameter can be changed at run-time via RTPC, it has no effect when it is set after the instance of this effect has started playing.

Default value: Left-Right

LFO Phase Spread

Amount of divergence in the initial phase spread across channels. The way in which this value affects each channel depends on the spread mode.


Although this parameter can be changed at run-time via RTPC, it has no effect when it is set after the instance of this effect has started playing.

Default value: 0
Range: 0 to 180
Units: °


Keep in mind that the Feedback parameter can make the sound grow increasingly for large parameter values.

Wwise Audio Extractor


Audiokinetic Wwise LTX Lumberyard includes Audiokinetic Wwise LTX, which is an exclusive, free version of the Audiokinetic Wwise audio middleware. Sound designers and composers can use Wwise LTX to work independently from the engineering team and author rich soundscapes for your games. Studios using Wwise Key features in Wwise Can handle complex audio behaviors such as fades and containers like random, sequence, blend, and switch. Game 'syncs' allow the designer to update state settings, switch values, and adjust real-time game parameters.

Engaged and cooperative, the Wwise community is one of the largest in our growing interactive audio industry. The Audiokinetic Creators Directory empowers its members by connecting audio experts and developers on an international platform.

From detailed free coursework and robust documentation to sample projects and a growing network of partner schools, Wwise provides myriad ways to get started or polish your skills.

Wwise Spatial Audio is a family of built-in spatial audio features complemented by in-house and 3rd party plug-ins that seamlessly integrate with the Wwise production workflow. Wwise Spatial Audio specializes in sound propagation, virtual acoustics, and spatially informed audio rendering. As a continuing research field at Audiokinetic, many new spatial audio features, plug-ins, and partnerships can be expected in the coming years.

Learn more

Deploy everywhere. Mobile, desktop, console and AR/VR.

Get more details

Audiokinetic has developed a series of premium plug-ins that target the specific needs of interactive sound design and enhance the Wwise experience. Please visit our plug-ins section to learn more about Audiokinetic's premium plug-ins and free integrated plug-ins, as well as other plug-ins developed by our partners, or community.

The Mastering Suite is a cross-platform effect plug-in composed of four modules: a 6-band parametric equalizer, a 4-band compressor, a per-channel gain modifier and a state-of-the-art limiter. Each module can be enabled independently and authored to address specific target platform characteristics such as varying dynamic range, speaker device limited frequency range, and available runtime resources. Built-in ShareSets cover common scenarios such as TV Speakers, Soundbars and Headphones. The Mastering Suite is developed via a collaboration between Audiokinetic and Sony Interactive Entertainment.
This plug-in is free but will require a license to be added to your project. Please click on 'Get it for free' to request a license.

Wwise Convolution lets you create convincing reverberation based on samples of real acoustic spaces, from the smallest room to the largest cathedral. You can use the impulse responses provided by Audiokinetic and AudioEase. Or import your own in any channel configuration, including ambisonics.

Wwise Motion lets you use the Wwise Authoring Tool to control not only the sound, but the haptic feedback of your control interface.

Wwise Reflect is a geometry-informed plug-in that dynamically renders early reflections based on the proximity of the listener/emitter to reflective surfaces, such as walls, ceilings, and floors. Wwise Reflect not only enhances immersion and the sense of space, but also brings out variety and naturalness from limited audio assets by blending them with a dynamic environment. Wwise Reflect offers full customization, catering to the artistic needs of sound designers and today's interactive media narrative and storytelling demands.

SoundSeed Air belongs to the SoundSeed family of specialized sound generators. Crafted with interactive audio in mind, this plug-in helps saving a tremendous amount of CPU and Memory compared to sample-based approach while generating variations. SoundSeed Air synthesizes an infinite variety of wind and whoosh effects using virtually no runtime memory and CPU.

SoundSeed Grain belongs to the SoundSeed family of specialized sound generators. A granular synthesizer which can be added to a Wwise project as a source Plug-In, SoundSeed Grain allows you to granulate and transform audio files with extreme flexibility, through granular synthesis and derivatives such as cloud, pulsar, concatenative and wavetable synthesis. SoundSeed Grain can be used to create particle effects, 3D ambiances and room tones, textured soundscapes, as well as time domain time-stretching and pitch-shifting, and is also a great sound design tool for making drones, UI and sci-fi sounds and music. It also features a plethora of sleek UI features that enhance the user experience.

SoundSeed Impact belongs to the SoundSeed family of specialized sound generators. Crafted with interactive audio in mind, this plug-in helps saving a tremendous amount of CPU and Memory compared to sample-based approach while generating variations. SoundSeed Impact allows for the creation of physically impossible and unique sounds via cross-synthesis.

More plug-ins

Wwise features an open API and integrates easily into in-house game engines and the world's top commercial game engines. Please visit our integrations section to learn more about integrations developed and maintained by Audiokinetic, as well as third-party distributed, or community managed integrations.

The new Wwise Authoring API allows the comprehensive integration of Wwise into any engine, tool, or application. It is usable from any Internet-capable language, operating system, or environment.

The Wwise Unity Integration is a Unity plug-in that allows the use of the Wwise Sound Engine in Unity games. Standard bidding at bridge with sayc pdf to excel. The Integration consists of a Unity plug-in library, the Wwise SDK API bindings in C#, a few other helpful components and Editor windows.

The Wwise Unreal Integration is an Unreal Engine plug-in that enables you to use the Wwise Sound Engine in Unreal games. It leverages Unreal Engine Objects and Blueprints to expose Wwise features, is fully integrated with Unreal Engine's Level Sequencer, and provides occlusion support. Learn more

More integrations

Create Account

Create an account to manage everything related to your projects including licenses, learning materials, and more.


Download the Wwise Launcher to install the latest version of Wwise.


Access learning material for free, and get certified to enrich your career.

(See the Wwise Flanger Properties below.)

Flanging is an audio effect that occurs when two identical signals are mixed together, but with one signal time-delayed by a small and gradually changing amount. This produces a swept comb filter effect: peaks and notches are produced in the resultant frequency spectrum, related to each other in a linear harmonic series. Varying the time delay with an LFO oscillator causes these to sweep up and down the frequency spectrum.

Wwise Audio Lab

The Wwise flanger algorithm is based on a 'unified comb filter' that allows for controlling the depth of notches and peaks as well as their relative location (for example, on odd or even harmonics). This allows the comb filter to provide a wide variety of spectrum shaping by directly modifying the 'feedforward' and 'feedback' coefficients.

The following figures exemplify the type of magnitude response that can be achieved using a fixed delay time of 0.5 ms. The feedforward coefficient controls the depth of notches in the spectrum, while the feedback coefficient controls the magnitude of peaks.

The sign of the coefficient can control whether the notches or peaks occur on odd harmonics (for positive coefficients) or even harmonics (for negative coefficients) as shown below.

The feedfoward and feedback components can be used together to build different spectral shapes for combining the effect of notches and peak as shown below.

Wise Audio Jefferson City

The delay time effectively controls the spacing between notches and/or peaks. By doubling the delay time, the distance between notches is halved as shown in the example below.

With the additional flexibility provided by the 'Blend' parameter which allows to mix the input to the delay line (including the feedback path) with the feedforward path of the delay line, effects other than flanging may be achieved.

One example of this is the vibrato effect (a regular pulsating change of pitch). Vibrato can be characterized by the amount of pitch variation and speed with which the pitch is varied. By setting both the feedback and blend values to 0, only the (modulated) feedforward path is preserved (vibrato component).

The Wwise Flanger plug-in contains a series of properties, many of which can be edited in real-time and can be mapped to specific Game Parameters using RTPCs.

Interface Element



Determines whether the element is included or excluded. When selected, the element is included. When unselected, the element is not included. By default, this applies across all platforms. Use the Link indicator (to the left of the check box) to determine or to set platform-specific customizations.

When this option is unselected, the property and behavior options in the Property Editor become unavailable.

Default value: true


The name of the Effect instance.

Aragami: nightfall download for mac windows 10. Effect instances are a group of effect property settings. They can be one of two types: custom instances or ShareSets. Custom instances can be used by only one object, whereas ShareSets can be shared across several objects.


The type of effect.

Shared by (Used by)

A list of objects that currently subscribe to the selected ShareSet.

This field is called 'Used by' when editing a custom instance of the Effect.

Opens a search field where standard alphanumeric entries filter out unmatching elements from the view. Learn more in Using Tables.

Click the Close icon to the left of the search icon to close the search field and remove the filter.


The searches do not include elements in collapsed nodes of the List View, Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor, and Reference View.

Returns the Effect property settings to their default values.

This option is only available when editing a custom instance of the Effect.


Additional information about the Effect.


The delay parameter used by the comb filter. Small delay values result in few spectral notches/peaks. Large delay values result in smaller spacing between frequency notches/peaks.

Default value: 5
Range: 0.2 to 100
Units: ms

Color Settings


Scaling factor for signal not entering the modulated delay line (sum of feedback and dry signal). Can be used to create a large range of effect from flanging to vibrato.

Default value: 1.0
Range: 0 to 1


Scaling factor for the contribution of the feedforward path out of the modulated comb filter. Large (absolute) values of this parameter results in stronger notches in the spectrum. Negative values places notches at even harmonic locations instead.

Default value: 1
Range: -1 to 1


Scaling factor for the contribution of the feedback path out of the modulated comb filter. Large (absolute) values of this parameter result in stronger peaks in the spectrum. Negative values place peaks at even harmonic locations instead.

Default value: 0
Range: -1 to 1
Units: Linear gain

Output Settings

Wet/Dry Mix

Controls the balance between the wet path (the output of the Effect) and the dry path (the input of the Effect). A value of 0 yields the original signal unaffected by the Effect while the a value of 100 outputs only the output of the Effect.

Default value: 100
Range: 0 to 100
Units: %

Output Gain

The amount of gain applied to the output signal after the dynamic compression that makes up for potential gain losses.

Default value: 0
Range: -24 to 24
Units: dB

Process Center

Determines whether the Effect is processing the center channel or not. When unselected, the center channel is unaffected by the Effect.

Default value: false

Process LFE

Determines whether the Effect is processing the LFE channel or not. When unselected, the LFE channel is unaffected by the Effect.

Default value: false

LFO Section

LFO Depth

Amount of amplitude modulation that controls the actual delay length, in percentage. At 0%, the delay length used by the comb filter is always as specified by the delay parameter. At 100%, the delay length is modulated to its full range.

Default value: 50
Range: 0 to 100
Units: %

LFO Frequency

Frequency of the modulating signal.

Default value: 1
Range: 0.02 to 20000
Units: Hz

LFO Waveform

Shape of the modulating signal.

Values: Sine, Square, Triangle, Upward sawtooth, Downward sawtooth.


Although this parameter can be changed at run-time using RTPCs, the signal is not guaranteed to be continuous.

Default value: Sine

LFO Smoothing

Amount of smoothing applied to the modulating signal. It is low-pass filtered by a certain value, mapped from 0 to 100%. At 0%, the signal comes out intact. With higher values, edges and discontinuities are smoothed.


This setting has no effect on the sine waveform.

Default value: 0
Range: 0 to 100
Units: %

PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)

Applies to the square waveform only. Address generator list. Modulates the width of the pulse during one cycle. At 50%, the signal is at its full amplitude for half of the cycle, and is 0 for the other half. Near 100%, the signal is at its full amplitude for almost all the cycle, while it drops to 0 for a very short amount of time.

Default value: 50
Range: 0 to 100
Units: %

Initial Phase Section

LFO Phase Offset

Offsets phase of the modulating signal of all channels by a specific value.


Although this parameter can be changed at run-time via RTPC, it has no effect when it is set after the instance of this effect has started playing.

Default value: 0
Range: -180 to 180
Units: °

LFO Spread Mode

Defines how initial phase spread (see parameter 'Spread') is applied across channels. For example, with the spread mode set to 'Front-Rear', all front channels start playing with a phase equal to 0, and all rear channels start playing with a phase equal to 'Spread'. If present (and processed), the LFE channel is always synchronized with the Front Left channel.


  • Left-Right: Front and rear left channels start with an offset of 0, front and rear right channels start with an offset of 'Spread'. If present, the center channel starts with an offset of 'Spread'/2.
  • Front-Rear: Front and center channels start with an offset of 0, and rear channels start with an offset of 'Spread'.
  • Circular: This mode applies a spreading dipole between the left and right channels on 1.x, 2.x and 3.x configurations, and between the front left and rear right channel on 4.x and 5.x configurations. For example, a 3.0 signal would start with the following phases: L=0, C='Spread'/2, R='Spread'. A 5.0 signal would start with the following phases: FL=0, C='Spread'/4, FR='Spread'/2, RL='Spread'/2, RR='Spread'.
  • Random: Each channel starts with a random phase uniformly distributed between 0 and 'Spread'.

Although this parameter can be changed at run-time via RTPC, it has no effect when it is set after the instance of this effect has started playing.

Default value: Left-Right

LFO Phase Spread

Amount of divergence in the initial phase spread across channels. The way in which this value affects each channel depends on the spread mode.


Although this parameter can be changed at run-time via RTPC, it has no effect when it is set after the instance of this effect has started playing.

Default value: 0
Range: 0 to 180
Units: °


Keep in mind that the Feedback parameter can make the sound grow increasingly for large parameter values.

Wwise Audio Extractor


The effect tail (that is, the time after the input sound is finished during which the Effect continues to output data that it has accumulated in its delay line) does not consider feedback. This means that for strong feedback value the Effect could terminate with a significant volume still processed.

Wwise Download

See also Wwise Tremolo Properties for more detailed explanations on LFO parameters.

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