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Taller Sister Stories

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Well, I had always been the big brother to my little sister, Carla, but now Carla physically dominates me. We are 2 years and 10 months apart and both of us were the shortest in our classes. Since we go to different boarding schools, we only see each other during Christmas and in the summer. Carla usually comes home 2 days before me during the summer and 1 day before me during Christmas break. I was about 11 at this time, I was short for my age while Carla was quite tall. I was only 2 inches taller than Carla, who was about 3 years younger than me. When we see each other, I would run up to Carla and give her a big hug, lift her up, carry her around the house, and then throw her on the floor. It was really fun to do that because she hated to thrown around.Two summers later, I was 14 years old and Carla was 12. We were no longer attending the boarding school since a new public school was finished building in our town. I had just got back to the house and finished putting all the luggage back into my room, and saw Carla coming out of her room. We were both really shocked because I was looking up to my 'little' sister! She really loved to look down at her 'big' brother. She told me to stand against the wall so she could measure me. I was only 5'1 while Carla was already 5'5!Like every year, our parents would bring us shopping for new clothing after we outgrow our current ones. Carla was teasing me about my tiny feet in the shoe store. She put her feet next to mine which made my feet look really small compared to hers. I told her I wore size 7 and 1/2 mens while she wore size 12 womens. It diddnt bother me too much that Carla had outgrown me so much. She liked to take pictures of us together and show that she is so much taller.Soon, I became really annoyed of her showing off how tall she was. I asked her if she wanted to sumo wrestle with me. I changed into my shorts and wore no shirt, while Carla changed into her bikini. I grabbed Carla's shoulders to try and push her out of the ring of pillows we set up, but she diddn't even budge. She started pushing me until I was out of the ring and fell on the floor. Carla diddn't think I was trying, and I told her I wasn't (which was a lie). We wrestled again and she won just as easily as last time, then she said, 'I never realized I had gotten this strong!' She pulled me up off the floor and said, 'Well, I don't really care that much. I won't go telling everybody unless someone asks me.'Next year, she turned 13, and was 5'8 while I was 15 and 5'2. We had moved to another city near our previous one. Our new house was a lot bigger and had a nice pool in the back yard. One day, Carla asked me how much I weigh. She said she is taller than me, but she doesn't know if shes heavier. So we weighed each other, showing that she was about 50 pounds heavier than me! I was 103 pounds while Carla was 154 pounds! Then Carla asked me to stand still so she could try to lift me up. I already tried lifting her up, which I couldnt do. Carla bent down, put one hand under my back, and another under my knees, and I flew off the floor!Its kind of fun to be carried around by Carla. I would ask her to carry me and she would do it and laugh. When we watch t.v, Carla loves carry me and sit me on her huge laps. Our parents think its kind of cute that she acts responsible for me and treats me like a little brother. They took pictures of me sitting on Carla's lap like a baby, pictures of her cradling me against her large chest, and pictures of both of us standing next to each other, clearly showing whos the taller one. Sometimes I think my parents forgot who the older sibling is when they tell Carla to 'take care of me' when they leave us home alone. They ask Carla to walk me to school and walk me home from school. She would humiliate me in front of her friends, but at home I sort of enjoy it when she lifts me up or shows off that she is taller. I sometimes compliment her like 'Wow Carla. Your so strong. I'll never be as strong as you.' She really likes it when I say those things so she'd sit me on her lap, cradle me against her chest and kiss my cheeks.

hi,I'd like to hear more about you and your sister, I also have a big bro that I lift and carry

My sisters first bra size was a 32A mine was a 34A & i was 9 but i was over weight i weighed 100 & my sister weighed 85 then the next year at age 10 i was a 36A & Madi was still this same size. Then i began to get taller then her. When i turned 11 i wore a size 34B. My sister has 14 1/2' biceps while mine are 13' I have wrestled my sister and she is way to strong for me. Her muscles are harder and bigger. My biceps were about 3/4 inch bigger until she started working out and now her muscles are 1 1/2 inch bigger than mine and much stronger. Her muscles grew 3 times faster in half the time.

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wow your guys relationship w/ your sisters are sweet. im kinda jelous

Posted by maze : a sissy with a pu$$y on 2008-08-19 07:00:44

all i say is, i've been humiliated by my sister infront of my mother, and it is not fun.. she's taller and stronger but younger, and i feel like not even standing beside her, so that someone makes fun..

  1. 9 year old sister much taller than me! August 11, 2011 tiny mans view of TALL GIRLS Tags: muscular little girl, taller little sister. It sucks being so small at 21 years old, sometimes. I measured my height a while ago, and I was almost 5 feet tall. But I totally forgot, I was wearing shoes!
  2. I have to say that my mother is very tall, she measures 5'11 'and my father is 6 ft. It is true that being taller at that time helped me in these sports. One day that year when I left class and went to my house I met my parents in the courtyard with my sister Madeleine. They were measuring my younger sister.
  3. Tall sister- tiny brother. By lowerrider Watch. Jason and Jessica stood in awkward silence as their mother fumbled with her new.

Mike was your average little boy. At age 3, he was happy and got along well with everybody. All that ended when his little sister, Jessica, was born. He felt what all older siblings have invariably felt – that all the attention started to go towards Jessica. He always held a grudge against her for being the favorite child, and was never very nice to her. Jessica was always nice to him though, which only further enraged Mike.

Jessica was a precocious child. She started walking and talking well before Mike did. Whenever they did anything, she would pick it up faster and better than Mike. Jessica beat her big brother on her first game of chess at age 7. She was a star student and had gotten promoted up 2 grades! Even in athletic ability, she was an exceptional gymnast when she was young and was far more agile and flexible than her brother.

Taller Younger Sister Growth Stories Wordpress

Mike's jealously of Jessica grew every year. However, Mike stopped growing pretty early. At age 15, he topped out at 5'2″, and was always insecure about his height thereafter. Meanwhile, Jessica continued to grow. Even though she was 3 years younger than him, Jessica was already 4'10', just a few inches shorter than Mike! That would soon change, though.

When Mike was 16 and she was 13, she grew to 5'0″. Her height growth was pretty slow, so Mike hardly noticed it. Things stayed the same way for a few years, until Jessica hit puberty at age 14. At that point, she equaled Mike's height and Mike was feeling pretty jealous, though he didn't know what was in store. Jessica grew and grew. By age 14, she was 5'5″, a full 3 inches taller than her big brother. When Mike was 18, he was embarrassed to find that he only came up to his little sister's neck as she was then 5'8″.

To make matters worse, since they went to the same high school and Jessica was only one grade below him, Mike was in some of the same classes as his sister. He was humiliated every week when he would have to ask his sister for help on his homework and other school related things. In Mike's senior year of high school, Jessica began to blossom completely.

Taller Sister Shorter Brother Stories

Her face, always pretty, became overwhelmingly beautiful. Mike found it difficult not to stare at her massive breasts which were frequently close to his face. Her back broadened, her arms widened, and Mike was often literally in Jessica's shadow. When it came time for the prom, Jessica was getting dressed to go be crowned prom queen. She was a stunner, reaching 6'0″ barefoot when she was just 16. She put on a short red dress that accentuated her powerful, long legs. To top it off, she wore 4″ heels that made her over a foot taller than her older brother.

Mike was sulking in his room, without a date because of his short stature. He was struggling with a calculus problem when Jessica sauntered into his room, her hair falling on one side.

'Mikey', she called out. Mike looked over and his jaw dropped. There was a powerful goddess who completely filled the doorway. Each step she took, her presence only grew more dominating. 'Can you zip me up?'

Mike got out of his chair and stood up. He barely came to the same level as his little sister's nipples. Jessica turned around and her powerful glutes were right in Mike's face. Mike had to stand on his tippy-toes, but he managed to zip her up.

Taller Sister Stories

She turned around and beamed at him. 'Thanks Mikey'. She bent down, her back almost parallel with the floor, and kissed him on the cheek. Standing back up to her full height, she said, 'Oh, and by the way, for that problem, integrate by parts like I taught you. Don't worry about your Calculus grade. I ‘persuaded' Mr. Winters to give you a C, so you won't fail.'

Mike was in awe. As Jessica was walking out, he finally asked the question that had been in his mind for several years now. 'Why are you so much better than me?'

Jessica turned around, not surprised at the question. Aragami: nightfall download for mac. 'I don't know Mikey, some people are just different, that's all.'

She started walking towards him, pushing him back.

'Do you like that I am smarter than you?'. Mike nodded and walked back.

'Do you like that I am stronger than you?'. Mike gulped. He was up against the wall.

'Do you like that I am taller, sexier, and more desirable than you will ever be?' This was too much – he was completely overpowered by his little sister. He was both intimidated and turned on. She was pressed right up against him with his nose in her marvelous breasts.

'Heh, I know, Mikey…I know. I can feel your cute little boner against my thigh. I'm your big sister. I'll take care of it. Go ahead and cum for me.'

Taller Sister Stories Wordpress

Mike exploded all over his pants.


wow your guys relationship w/ your sisters are sweet. im kinda jelous

Posted by maze : a sissy with a pu$$y on 2008-08-19 07:00:44

all i say is, i've been humiliated by my sister infront of my mother, and it is not fun.. she's taller and stronger but younger, and i feel like not even standing beside her, so that someone makes fun..

  1. 9 year old sister much taller than me! August 11, 2011 tiny mans view of TALL GIRLS Tags: muscular little girl, taller little sister. It sucks being so small at 21 years old, sometimes. I measured my height a while ago, and I was almost 5 feet tall. But I totally forgot, I was wearing shoes!
  2. I have to say that my mother is very tall, she measures 5'11 'and my father is 6 ft. It is true that being taller at that time helped me in these sports. One day that year when I left class and went to my house I met my parents in the courtyard with my sister Madeleine. They were measuring my younger sister.
  3. Tall sister- tiny brother. By lowerrider Watch. Jason and Jessica stood in awkward silence as their mother fumbled with her new.

Mike was your average little boy. At age 3, he was happy and got along well with everybody. All that ended when his little sister, Jessica, was born. He felt what all older siblings have invariably felt – that all the attention started to go towards Jessica. He always held a grudge against her for being the favorite child, and was never very nice to her. Jessica was always nice to him though, which only further enraged Mike.

Jessica was a precocious child. She started walking and talking well before Mike did. Whenever they did anything, she would pick it up faster and better than Mike. Jessica beat her big brother on her first game of chess at age 7. She was a star student and had gotten promoted up 2 grades! Even in athletic ability, she was an exceptional gymnast when she was young and was far more agile and flexible than her brother.

Taller Younger Sister Growth Stories Wordpress

Mike's jealously of Jessica grew every year. However, Mike stopped growing pretty early. At age 15, he topped out at 5'2″, and was always insecure about his height thereafter. Meanwhile, Jessica continued to grow. Even though she was 3 years younger than him, Jessica was already 4'10', just a few inches shorter than Mike! That would soon change, though.

When Mike was 16 and she was 13, she grew to 5'0″. Her height growth was pretty slow, so Mike hardly noticed it. Things stayed the same way for a few years, until Jessica hit puberty at age 14. At that point, she equaled Mike's height and Mike was feeling pretty jealous, though he didn't know what was in store. Jessica grew and grew. By age 14, she was 5'5″, a full 3 inches taller than her big brother. When Mike was 18, he was embarrassed to find that he only came up to his little sister's neck as she was then 5'8″.

To make matters worse, since they went to the same high school and Jessica was only one grade below him, Mike was in some of the same classes as his sister. He was humiliated every week when he would have to ask his sister for help on his homework and other school related things. In Mike's senior year of high school, Jessica began to blossom completely.

Taller Sister Shorter Brother Stories

Her face, always pretty, became overwhelmingly beautiful. Mike found it difficult not to stare at her massive breasts which were frequently close to his face. Her back broadened, her arms widened, and Mike was often literally in Jessica's shadow. When it came time for the prom, Jessica was getting dressed to go be crowned prom queen. She was a stunner, reaching 6'0″ barefoot when she was just 16. She put on a short red dress that accentuated her powerful, long legs. To top it off, she wore 4″ heels that made her over a foot taller than her older brother.

Mike was sulking in his room, without a date because of his short stature. He was struggling with a calculus problem when Jessica sauntered into his room, her hair falling on one side.

'Mikey', she called out. Mike looked over and his jaw dropped. There was a powerful goddess who completely filled the doorway. Each step she took, her presence only grew more dominating. 'Can you zip me up?'

Mike got out of his chair and stood up. He barely came to the same level as his little sister's nipples. Jessica turned around and her powerful glutes were right in Mike's face. Mike had to stand on his tippy-toes, but he managed to zip her up.

She turned around and beamed at him. 'Thanks Mikey'. She bent down, her back almost parallel with the floor, and kissed him on the cheek. Standing back up to her full height, she said, 'Oh, and by the way, for that problem, integrate by parts like I taught you. Don't worry about your Calculus grade. I ‘persuaded' Mr. Winters to give you a C, so you won't fail.'

Mike was in awe. As Jessica was walking out, he finally asked the question that had been in his mind for several years now. 'Why are you so much better than me?'

Jessica turned around, not surprised at the question. Aragami: nightfall download for mac. 'I don't know Mikey, some people are just different, that's all.'

She started walking towards him, pushing him back.

'Do you like that I am smarter than you?'. Mike nodded and walked back.

'Do you like that I am stronger than you?'. Mike gulped. He was up against the wall.

'Do you like that I am taller, sexier, and more desirable than you will ever be?' This was too much – he was completely overpowered by his little sister. He was both intimidated and turned on. She was pressed right up against him with his nose in her marvelous breasts.

'Heh, I know, Mikey…I know. I can feel your cute little boner against my thigh. I'm your big sister. I'll take care of it. Go ahead and cum for me.'

Taller Sister Stories Wordpress

Mike exploded all over his pants.

Taller Little Sister Growth Stories Wordpress

Just like that, Jessica walked out, and Mike knew that he would never be the same again.

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